Hey guys and gals :D
Hope you're all well and had a lovey Christmas! Can you believe it's all over for another year?? Crazy!! So I haven't been writing this post since the end of 2015 but only getting around to finishing it now!!! So here is a little reflection on what 2015 had in store for me!! Hope you all enjoy
Where it all began
So obviously I started my blog in January and what a year it has been!! I can't believe I'm blogging almost a year. It has been such a roller-coaster and I have thoroughly enjoyed every second! There has been some times through out where I would think maybe it's not for me or maybe people aren't all that interested in what I have to say but I am shocked by all of your support with every post and I just want to say thank you so much for taking the time out to read posts and support my page as much as you do :D If I didn't get the views I do or the recognition that I do from you all then Tres Belle wouldn't be here today :)
So My blog has opened many doors for me, it has brought me to places within myself I never thought I'd ever be, it has helped me to speak so freely about mental health, which is something I have never really done before, so that has helped me so much and I absolutely love that it helps others too! My post on my Battle With Depression and Anxiety is still the most important and nerve racking blog post I have ever written but I am so happy to have written it as it reached over 2,500 views and if that post helped just one more person to speak out about their illness then that's all that matters :) You can read that blog post
here :) So my blog was an extremely successful and positive part of 2015! I got to work some with some amazing brands such as
Ultra Pure,
Holos Skin Care,
Miss Milly,
Envy Organica,
BabyDoll and many more :) I also got to attend some amazing events including the
Vintage Cosmetics Company Launch and Cocoa Brown ~
Passion Persistence Pink, which were all amazing events and I got to meet some of the nicest girls ever :D And I cannot wait to see whats in store for my blog for 2016 :D

My Personal Life
2015 definitely was our year!!! So myself, Lucy and Anthony finally got our own little pad :) I can't begin to explain how good it feels to have a home we can call our own!! Needless to say according to Lucy its "Lucy's house" and it certainly is ! That kid has more stuff than Madonnas Entourage!!! but of course I wouldn't change a thing :) Maybe just buy some more storage :P
So we had lots of trips away including seeing Ed Sheeran in Wembley in London with Anthony and my 2 bessies Dave and Nat :) It was amazing, we got to see some of the sites, do some shopping, meet Suzanne Jackson for the chats in River Island on Oxford Street and of course see the incredible Ed who was just absolutely mind blowing!!! One of the best weekends ever!

I got a job!!!!! YAAAAAAY!!! So I had stopped working after I had Lucy, I really couldn't bear to leave her side but then when we decided we wanted to live together, well I had to make some changes ad sacrifice my own selfish needs to be financially stable for all our sakes ! So I applied to one of my fave pharmacies in the midlands, Ryan's Pharmacy in Edenderry, I honestly didn't even think I would get an interview let alone the job!! So I handed in my CV and she interviewed me straight away and within 3 days I got the phone call to say the job was mine if I wanted it, needless to say I was unbelievably excited!! This was a whole new start for us as a family and also for my own confidence and self esteem! It was a huge career change compared to what I used to work at in childcare! I have to say I have never been happier working anywhere before! I thoroughly enjoy it and love what the job entails (working with make up..... heaven!!!! ) and all the girls are just so so nice :D

My best friend Sharon got married!!! She was literally the most stunning bride ever!!!! The day was just fab from start to finish! I was so happy to be able to be a part of her big day!! :D
We also got away on our first little family holiday to Cork! It was Lucy's first trip away with us and it was so nice having some time away just the 3 of us. So we stayed in the Montenotte Hotel just beside Cork City and it was such a nice hotel, the service was second to none and the place itself was beautiful. So we visited Fota Wildlife and Lucy was fascinated with all the animals :) She loved every second of it! Would definitely recommend it for a family holiday :)
My sister in Laws baby shower was a huge success!! I had told her I would organise the whole party for her, I must have been mad at the time as it was a massive project for someone who is shite at hosting parties but I even surprised myself on this one!! So we had it in her house, it was a gorgeous sunny day and everyone thoroughly enjoyed it! :) I done lots of baking and made lots of nice pretty girly sweets as she knew she was having a little girl so it was great to be able to decorate everywhere pink!! :D
And then my beautiful little niece Síofra was born on October 9th, making Izabella and Feile 2 big sisters and Lucy a big cousin!! ! She is the sweetest little baby ever!!! So quiet and good! She has been through an awful lot since she was born, she really is a little trooper!! I could learn a lot from her already!!! She is just amazing!

2015 was very good to me, looking back I really my anxiety take over during some of the happiest times of my life. I am a constant worrier and if you met me you probably wouldn't think it at all but I do die inside with worry at times. What I would love to happen in 2016 is to care that little bit less, as in not worry about every move I make and to expect the worst to happen in every situation so that I am "prepared" for it. The truth is no matter how prepared you are for something you are never prepared really. So I know I need to shut my brain off more, relax, enjoy things, look forward to things and so on. 2016 is packed full of fun things, My 2 besties Nat and Dave are getting married in April so we have the hens first in February and I'm bridesmaid too so lots of healthy food will be consumed to fit in tot he dress :P Myself and Anto are going to see Kodaline in July, weekend away to Galway in May and a trip to Amsterdam in October, And most of all I get to see my baby girl Lucy turn 3 in February!!! :D So if that's not a lot of positives then I don't know what is :D
I hope you all have a wonderful 2016 and that all your dreams really do come true :)
Happy New Year x
lots of love