Hello all you lovely people:) I hope you're all having a wonderful Wednesday!! I can't believe how fast this year is going by, nearly in to May already!!! Which is why I went in to panic/meltdown mode and decided I had to get my ass in gear for the Summer and all the events I have to look forward to I want to look and feel my best!!! So that is when I decided to take on the C9 and really give myself a challenge!!
What is the C9?
The C9 is designed to give you a kick start in the right direction to a healthy better you. It cleanses the body making it easier for you to "start over" again! It provides the perfect starting point for transforming your diet and fitness habits. The C9 is based around the extremely popular Aloe Vera drink. Doing this program and following it step by step will allow you to see real results in just nine days!!
Pack contains:
2 x 1 litre bottle Forever Aloe Vera Gel
1 x Forever Lite Ultra with Aminotein Vanilla (15 servings)
1 x Forever Therm (18 tablets)
1 x Forever Garcinia Plus (54 softgels)
1 x Forever Fibre (9 packets)
1 x Shaker
1 x Tape Measure
Information booklet

Day 1 and 2
So I decided to do the C9 just after Easter Sunday, alot of people were saying I was mad as I was going to be surrounded by Easter eggs, etc., but being honest this was the best time I could have started I was so sick of eating junk and feeling crap so I took it upon myself to change that. I had heard lots of different things about the C9 (mostly good) so I couldn't wait to give it a try myself and to also challenge myself and see what lengths I can really go to to get what I want and need !!!
So on day one and two you have one shake a day and 480ml of the aloe vera gel, the Aloe gel is absolutely fine to take I didn't know what to expect but it was tasteless and I just knocked it back :) there is also a list of free foods you can have now which include wide range of fruit and veg. So there is no excuse to let yourself be hungry :) This is so simple and once you get past the first 2 days you are flying it !! I would recommend the shake in vanilla flavour it is absolutely delicious and I actually look forward to having it :)
2X Forever Garcinia softgels
120ml Forever Aloe Gel
1x Therm tablet
30 minute min of low-intensity exercise (brisk walk, cycling, swimming, etc.
1x packet Forever Fibre
2X garcinia softgels
120ml Forever Aloe vera gel
1X Forever Therm tablet
1Xscoop Forever Lite Ultra (shake)
2X Forever Garcinia softgels
120 ml Forever Aloe Gel
120 ml Forever Aloe Gel
250 ml water
Day 3 -8
By the time you get to day 3 you are flying with all this energy you don't know what to be doing next. And happy days you get to have a 600 calorie meal today, I never looked forward to my dinner so much :) I had cod fillet with stir fry veg and it was so yummy!!! I now do 30 minute exercise everyday whether its a brisk walk or cardio workouts I found on you-tube and some light weights. I feel bad if I miss a work out and ensure I make up for it. you can spread your 600 calories throughout the day if you wish to do so too. So what I done was, I had a boiled egg along with the shake in the morning for breakfast and then made up the rest at dinner time! So I am training my body to not eat as much as I had been doing as my body really didn't need all that food. I am also training my body to eat healthier and reach for healthy snacks like fruit etc rather than a chocolate bar. You weigh and measure yourself on day 1, 3 , 6 and 9. It's the best feeling getting up on the scales and watching those numbers go down and down :)
2x Forever Garcinia softgels
120ml Forever Aloe Vera gel
1x Forever therm tablet
1x scoop forever Lite Ultra
30 minute min of moderate-intensity exercise
1x Packet Forever Fibre
2x Forever Garcinia plus softgels
1x forever therm tablet
1x scoop Forever Lite Ultra
2x Forever garcinia softgels
600 - calorie meal
250 ml water
Love this!!! Vanialla Forever Lite ultra shake |
Cod fillet and stir-fry veg |
Chicken and veg stir-fry |
the smaller one on the left was mine :) |
Day 9
So its the last day of my C9 and I am just buzzing from it. I have so much energy, I feel healthy, I don;t feel sluggish or tired and most of all I'm 8lbs lighter than I was 9 days ago!!!! Absolutely thrilled with my results!!! I would highly recommend this detox program to anyone hoping to get in shape and get a kick-start to a new healthy you!! And remember this is just a kick-start, what you do after this is completely up to you. You need to ensure that you maintain your healthy diet and exercise. When you have worked so hard for the nine days the last thing you want to do is ruin it so you keep on going with it. Continue taking 60ml of gel a day and get some lean supplements and therm tablets. These will help maintain and lose any extra weight you have. You can also continue to take the shakes too as they are light on calories but contain all the nutrients you need :)
My Results
Day one left and Day 3 right. down 5lbs |
Day one top, day 9 bottom 8lbs and 7.5inches gone :) |
I can feel such a huge difference not only physically but mentally. That dark cloud has disappeared and I am in a very positive mindset, which I never thought I would hear myself say again! I have tons of energy, like last night for example I was in my house and it was about 10pm so I said to Anthony lets go for a walk.. it was pitch dark out and he looked at me like I was mad but off we went (mam and dad minded Lucy) and I ran for he first while and power walked the rest !! I honestly cannot tell you the last time I would have ever considered doing that!!! So it helps you not just physically but mentally!!
If you are interested in doing the C9 or need any more information you can order today by contacting me through my Facebook page here :) You will not regret it.
Hope you all enjoyed this post and remember if you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask in the comments below or on any of my social media pages listed just under my name :)
Thank you all for reading
Until next time
x lots of love x
Well done Grainne, great results! I wondered whether the C9 was worth doing or not and clearly it is! X
ReplyDeleteThank you so much Denise :) oh it is so worth it!! I loved it !!! :) xxx
DeleteWell done Hun 💜serious will power xx
ReplyDeleteThanks a mill hun! Once u set ur mind on it it's half the battle :) xx